Publication Date : Febuary 27, 2024
The Community Promoting Foundation, in collaboration with Raks Thai Foundation, is committed to tackling the challenges and promoting positive mental health among Thai youth. Innovations will be implemented to create positive impacts, enhance knowledge, and develop physical and mental well-being, fostering a society with improved mental health.
The current state of mental health in Thai society is a pressing issue, with a suicide rate among youth aged 13-17 reaching a concerning 17.6%. This is primarily attributed to depressive conditions, making it the third leading cause of death among Thai youth. The problem has escalated in recent years, reaching its peak in 2025.
To address these challenges, we have planned and developed projects related to mental health, focusing on both direct and indirect interventions for youth and those connected to them. Raks Thai Foundation collaborates with the Community Promoting Foundation to develop projects that enhance communication, aiming to improve youth health through lifestyle changes.
Create innovations to develop the mental health of Thai youth. Educate youth about physical and mental health, with a focus on non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Cultivate a healthier society by reducing illness rates and increasing health knowledge, particularly in the area of youth mental health.
Collaboration with medical professionals and a dedicated team. Development of strategies to improve youth health through lifestyle changes.
Providing knowledge to students about the impact of nutrition, physical activity, and sleep on mental health.
Techniques to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
Emphasizing the importance of discipline for good health.
Focusing on teaching crucial skills necessary for daily life, preparing youth to face diverse challenges effectively.
Raks Thai Foundation has organized seminars on youth mental health in schools to transfer knowledge about physical and mental health to the targeted group of 10 schools in Ayutthaya province.
Fundraising Duration : 29th Feb – 29th May 2024
Account Name : Raks Thai Foundation, Account Number: 034-1-81121-1 Branch: Pradipat 13, Krungthai Bank.
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สนับสนุนการพัฒนา 6 ขั้น เพื่อสร้างความเท่าเทียมของสตรีในถิ่นห่างไกล” จึงเริ่มต้นขึ้นเพื่อขอแรงสนับสนุนจากคนทุกเพศในเขตเมือง ที่ยืนหยัดเพื่อสร้างความเท่าเทียมในสังคม เงิน 99 บาทจากหลากผู้สนับสนุนจะเป็นท่อน้ำเลี้ยงที่สามารถพลิกชีวิตผู้หญิงในถิ่นห่างไกลที่ไม่ได้มีโอกาสทัดเทียมคนเมือง
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